Monday, March 9, 2009

Good Weekend

Beau had a pretty good weekend...he's feeling alright and even went out and hit golf balls on the driving range!  His white blood count dipped pretty low right after his chemo ended and he ran a fever for a day or so but he's doing alright now.  Since his white blood count was so low, he has had to go to the hospital every day for blood work instead of every other day.  

Dad and I saw so many people at the race track in Atlanta this weekend that told us they were praying for Beau...many of them we didn't even know.  This means so much to our family and we can't thank all of you enough for remembering Beau in your prayers.  Prayer is a powerful thing and Beau needs all he can get as he fights this battle.

Thanks for keeping up with Beau's progress!

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