Monday, December 13, 2010

Home with new hardware...

Beau and Jessica are back in North Carolina and he's doing great. He said he could tell almost immediately after the surgery that his arm was in much better shape than it was beforehand. The pain was different and has gotten much better and his shoulder looks alot more normal and in proportion now...probably because it's actually staying in the joint! He's already off the pain pills that he got after the surgery! Below is a picture of the prosthesis that they removed from his arm and a shot of his new hardware...

The bright white pieces are the new prosthesis and from about an inch below the screws up to the top of his arm is the new cadaver bone. It's pretty amazing what they can do these days...

Beau will be beginning physical therapy after his follow-up visit with Dr. Frankle and he's already started working on his cardio by riding an exercise bike. He wants to be in top physical shape so as soon as the time comes, he will be ready to get back in a racecar!

Thanks for all the prayers and support...please keep them coming!



DEE said...


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear he is doing better.I know with all of our continued PRAYERS he will continue to get better.we pray for him every Wednesday at Bible Study at AMS and also at Church,which is BROTHER Bill Brannon Church Fellowship Baptist Church...